Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Coming Armageddon 23

                   The Road to Totalitarianism Canadian Style 

          What we're going to look into is those that have had power over mankind for thousands of years! The so called Elites, also known as the Illuminati, globalists or Cabal. who have always striven to deny us our Human and Civil Rights, in Canada it's called The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    The human brain consists of three major areas that control all actions and reactions and in a normal person they  work together and are in balance. They are the reasoning part, the emotional part and the reptilian part of the brain. 
   The illuminati are controlled by the reptilian part of the brain, wealthy parasites who control the seats of power and also control our behavior in different ways and seek to create enmity between people,  nations and different cultures, they also are the 0.1percent who control  between 50 or 60% of the Worlds wealth. They are happiest when they create chaos and mayhem, violence and bloodshed, and of course destabilization world wide. 
   There not interested in solving world problems with solutions that require people working together, their stated solutions, as in the Georgia guide stones ten commandments, the first commandment is to reduce the worlds population to 500 million, about 90 percent of the current worlds population. ''The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and overturned the order in the soul'' Leonard Cohen, from the Future album written in 1992 and recorded in 1994.
           Of course these sociopaths cum psychopaths love power, wealth and prestige, they love to engage in pomp and pageantry and are slaves to hierarchy and are, naturally greedy and couldn't care less about creating a just and equitable society for everyone. 
   They live in constant fear that they may loose their wealth, power and prestige. Their actions and reactions, ideas, customs, beliefs  and myths ''ICBMs'', tends towards the Satanic Constellation. Some live in guarded compounds, many with their personal jet handy in case they need to evacuate quickly to their underground bunkers.  
     A note before I begin, whether or not we have had our DNA altered ,and or whether the Illuminati had their DNA altered hasn't been proven, but there is much evidence that we are dealing with that probability at the highest levels of government and beyond.
    And that we are being ruled over by a shadow government who have no empathy or concern outside of their fellow bloodlines.       
         I'd would like to stress that no matter how it looks, the common man is at his best, by having had some love and nurturing as a child. Those that are abused in whatever manner, must suffer and carry this burden until and if they are lucky enough to somehow raise themselves up and begin a healing process, with or without outside help. So the most important undertaking that gives someone a chance at normalcy, is to make sure a child has adequate love and nurturing.  Something that doesn't happen  in all  homes unfortunately, and it is the rare individual who can escape the damage of poor parenting without emotional damage. 
When these important needs are met people are able to live with care and compassion for others and enjoy the simple act of being alive. Another verse from Leonard's future album that indicates his passion for truth and the familial aspects of life, ''Destroy another fetus now we don't like children anyhow'' 
Because our technological societies have become so complex and chaotic, we have little time and resources for those in need of healing. This situation seems to be a direct result of the pressure coming from above and beyond our obvious government, to the Illuminati, our shadow government, without which we would have most of our needs met, we could have free energy as created by Tesla  and many others, who were bought out or very conveniently committed suicide or died suddenly.
    With free energy poverty will not exist and we could begin living happily in the garden of Eden once more. This shadow government will do all it can to prevent the common man from achieving this state of affairs. 
           Lets face it the damage done to society and particularly to the common man is directly associated  to the hatred that the crony capitalists guided by the Illuminati have for the common man. How can any person without any wealth be 
expected to get ahead when the banks print money as they need it, and charge you interest to borrow it for whatever reason. These parasites also tax the common man, and if they happen to go bust they will take your tax dollars to reinstate their loses. 
           Because the elites led secretly by the Illuminati, have insisted on keeping the wealth of the nation in their coffers, which they control among their greedy cronies, thus making it very hard for the common man to get on. Right now they control 50 to 60% of the worlds wealth. Not to forget that to depopulate the world to a level of about 500 million and retire to the proverbial house on the hill, is one of their most important goals.
           Although there is so much propaganda and news carried in the Media, that is purposely meant to portray past, present and future wars and violence, leading many to believe that we (mankind) are naturally violent,  So controlling the media they make sure we are being programmed to believe that we are warlike and so they make sure to have an overabundance of conflict, division and violence on all forms of media. 
           Having existed for thousands if not millions of - years as much evidence suggests - living in small groups, humans have not as yet adjusted to living in cities with thousands if not millions of fellow humans, it's true that some seem to have successfully adjusted, but most will suffer on. Much of the conflict, division and violence is due to an overactive flight or fight response being activated unnecessarily in our crowded cities. Normally this response is only activated when we are in a situation that is somehow dangerous to our survival, and is the typical reptilian response, but in most normal compassionate  people able to love,  it's more related to animus, which is a natural trigger that energizes and strengthens us until the danger disappears. Normal people do not usually allow the R-Complex, the reptilian part of the brain to rule over the emotional and reasoning parts of the brain, unlike the Illuminati who's brain is ruled by the R-Complex. 
          Three examples of our natural empathy and co-operation are whenever we have a natural disaster, people are anxious to help one another, when helping someone even giving directions makes us feel good, and science has proven that we all have mirror neurons, which means when you watch someone doing something your brain goes through the same procedure that is occurring to the 
person you are watching
           Of course the media exaggerate and portray as much conflict, division and violence as we can take. And in time we begin to see humanity in a poor light.  Because we have compassion and empathy for others, we are naturally more vulnerable, than those sociopaths who are in control of all things, and could care less, and who will eventually cause the nation to fall again as they have done over and over again in the past. It is said that these Illuminati are cunning but not wise or constructively creative, they can be compared to vultures who circle and drop down to feast on the corpse, only able to take advantage of an existing system and control it with their vast wealth based on paper money which they create as they need it. It's very common in these higher echelons to have as is happening now in Great Britain a pedophile ring, which is being covered up as we speak.   
           Fortunately we also have an emotional part to our brain and a reasoning part and the three work together, with no aspect dominating in normal situations. The so called Illuminati are dominated by the reptilian brain (R-Complex), being dominated by the reptilian aspect, they don't seem to have any heartfelt emotions, like love and compassion. Even normal people can do some horrendous things, especially when more than one is involved in a new situation, like war for example. But further regarding the sociopathic, Illuminati, because they can be charming, and in some sense admirable and successful - of course hiding their true nature -     some people tend to imitate and admire them. 
          Our normal conflict, division and violence is under most circumstances - when other issues are absent - not too hard to deal with. But because the media portray so much conflict, division and violence, we are being conditioned by the Illuminati who own the media and everything else, to accept this view, that people are naturally violent and love war. This limits our sense of wonder and compassion and that we normals have been proven by science that we are peace loving, compassionate towards others, and able to co-operate and solve all human problems. 
           You can expect to see much propaganda and movements to get people especially in Canada a Multi-Cultural country, arguing and fighting among themselves. They also encourage conflict between Police and the general public. We are part of infinite consciousness having a short ride here on earth.
And being and holding hatred, jealousy, racism and all the rest will guarantee that the Illuminati shall conquer and enslave us.
           The last two world wars were initiated by the Cabal -Illuminati - do some research and you'll be surprised, George Bush senior's father supported Hitler in the 2nd war, and other elites supported both sides at the same time in both wars. It is my opinion that the major cause of conflict and violence in the world has continually been encouraged and fermented by the Illuminati since day one. There philosophy is to divide the people or countries against each other, which would allow them through NATO to declare Martial Law, as will soon happen in the U.S. or they will crash the economy as they have done in 1939 and 2008.

           It is said by David Icke that the blood lines that were chosen thousands of years ago - the Illuminati - by an alien race that is closely related to reptiles. Who have altered those blood lines so that they have no empathy for others, only relating to other members of their alien bloodlines to further their agenda, which is to rule the world and enslave us to their will. As the U.S. shadow Government, the Illuminati are closely tied to Canada and as you will see below,we are following in the footsteps of the Americans to Armageddon . As the Apocalypse approaches many things are being revealed, the Revelation of Jesus " I will reveal things hidden since the foundation of the world"

  First of all lets examine the relevance of the old adage, the Devine rite of Kings to rule over us, who or what gave them the right to rule. Apparently the earth has been visited and occupied by alien life forms for hundreds of thousands of years, if not longer. Apparently some 5000 years ago or so our DNA was altered by a race of aliens known as the Annanaki. 

          They were mining gold in different parts of the world, and decided that it would be better for them to have slaves do the mining. So they altered our DNA so as to dumb us down. This is probably the reason that science says that about 90% of our DNA is called junk DNA, and seems to serve no obvious purpose. 
          In order to have overlords to watch over and rule the slaves, another group had their DNA altered so that they became sociopathic, whatever was done to them they no longer had any sympathy or empathy and were ruled by their reptilian brain. Accepting that, that altered blood line has ruled over us for thousands of years, perhaps that's why there has never been a society that has survived for any length of time.  
           This particular blood line was meant to rule over us, and continue to do so. It is their wish to de-populate the world to around 500 million, through various secret and not so secret means.

          Once the system was in effect, the King or later the Queen would strengthen their position by bestowing favors on those who acknowledged their authority, and when a King was ready to step down usually the eldest was crowned as they allowed only their family members to succeed them as rulers. This blood line only breeds with members of the same blood line, that has held the reins of power for thousands of years throughout the world, first of all as Kingships, Counts, Earls and Barons, and now heads of state and their co-conspirators the upper echelons of governments. In Canada we have the Prime minister and his numerous advisers , one Premier for each of the ten Provinces, promising to please all of the people all of the time, "the way they tell it". But who comes out on top almost always, of course are those who get the most support from the corporate lobbyists of the major corporations, who's interests are taken for granted and with almost, no arm twisting, always was - and if things continue with the status quo - and always will be. 

          The media television, radio, newspapers, etc. are all controlled by the Illuminati. The incumbent will also do his best to favor legislation for those groups that are most likely to vote for him/her. Meanwhile those blood lines that didn't serve as politicians, but members of the aristocracy, were usually into positions of power and prestige and were quick to climb the ladder of success, leaving the normal people unable to compete with such hardhearted determination.
            This tightly knit group keeps the power wealth and benefits within the circle, leaving the common man to carry the burden of supporting this corruption through numerous taxes and  then paying the cost of borrowed money with interest. Meanwhile with the tax money and accrued interest paid by the common man, these government officials make sure, that the parasites - the circle members - benefit the most. The failure of governments
 includes all that have ever existed except for periods of time in indigenous cultures.

What's important is to remember no matter what type of government, they all come to a point where they all collapse mostly from within. The point being that no method of governess has endured for any extended period of time, mainly because those at the very top besides being sociopaths and all that entails have a monopoly on power and wealth making them cunning, but unfortunately not in the least wise. They have decided on an agenda that calls for the reduction of the world's population to around 500 million, and have erected a monument with just those instructions. It also contains the ten commandments of the new world order. We'll list them at some further date, but the point is that the Cabal or Illuminati are dead serious about the plan or agenda that was planned for many years, and seems to be achieving it's satanic totalitarian tip-toe here in Canada.

           For all intents and purposes the U.S. is a dictatorship. It should be made clear that the agenda of the Illuminati is not known by all people involved in government, corporations  and such , the system is like a pyramid with those few families at the top in the know, and every other level on a need to know basis. Also related to solving this dilemma is that people need to pay rent, buy groceries etc., so they have no obvious alternative, but to continue to support the system as it exists, until we can change the corrupt system. We shouldn't become militant, that would be no better than them, we should continue to go about our daily lives, but be prepared for something catastrophic in the near future.

If they weren't so sociopathic they would naturally begin some kind of campaign to reduce the population over time to a more reasonable population. But how can anyone speak to or negotiate with an organization that has no spokesperson. Besides the aliens who control the particular blood lines, who have power and control over us,-- have sometime in the past - altered our DNA so as to turn us into slaves, and make us more amenable to control. If 90% of our DNA is called junk DNA by science, have the aliens had something to do in neutralizing our DNA and dumbing us down. And we continue to drink water with chlorine and fluorides, Kem trails, geo-enginering, vaccinations, and climate control are also toxic problem areas. 

We mustn't forget who where're dealing with, they have an agenda and plan that has existed for thousands of years, as far as who will occupy all positions of power. These blood lines are apparently used by a race of aliens to bring earth to certain conditions they need to thrive in earth's atmosphere, whatever parameters that entails. See David Icke on u tube for a surprise about those who rule us, especially his take on the Royal family.

 Perhaps the Illuminati with their poor ability in creating a sustainable culture is why all nations seem to collapse eventually, prompting Leonard Cohen to elicit the following words from Jesus, "I've seen the nations rise and fall, I've heard their stories heard them all, but love's the only engine of survival". Our closest neighbor the U.S. is in the process of collapsing as we speak, which is a pattern that's been happening since the beginning of civilization, it's just a matter of time, probably sooner than later. Using 9/11 as an excuse for revoking most of the American Constitution has proved the following statement. " Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both" Benjamin Franklin.

Well I just spent a week creating a post in my blog Addicted to Truths. disappeared, it contained quite a bit of criticism about what our Federal and Provincial governments are up to, and quite a bit more, including how a group of elites are planning to create some issue or take advantage of an existing issue, for example crash the economy of the world and to de-populate the earth down to about about 500 million people, as proclaimed on a monument erected to convey that message outright, as though they had no need to operate clandestinely from behind the curtain. When asked by an interviewer on the BBC, what was the worst problem facing the world, Prince Philip indicated it was overpopulation and in response to what could be done about it, he responded that there is disease.  

The Royal family are ranked near the top in the hierarchy of the ruling Illuminati blood lines in Great Britain, but are below the Rothschild's of Great Britain and other European countries.

In the U.S. A. the Bush family headed by papa George Bush and the Rockefellers are the leading Illuminati blood lines. Phil Schneider a member of the armed forces, who spoke out about CIA and special ops cover ups - involving the U.S. and it's involvements with aliens and the resulting agreements and pacts - was found asphyxiated in his home, his death was called a suicide, and Ron Rummel who was about to write a book about the Phil Sneider affair was found dead under suspicious circumstances around the same time. If you want to decide for yourself you can look up the following on utube "The Underground, A hidden reality and the true story of Phil Sneider.

Why all the stories of the first and second world wars in the past three months, I realize that Remembrance day has something to do with it, but I believe something else is at play here. Most of the war stories are on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation who get their funding from the Federal government, and who recently faced massive cut backs from the government.

Recently Harper has reinstated the Queen as head of the armed forces, as in Her Majesties Royal Navy. The Royal family cost the tax payers of Great Britain massive amounts of funding yearly. While the tax payers in Britain suffer from deprivation, the Royals enjoy a lavish lifestyle, with all its pomp and pageantry, rituals, and seemingly showing no compassion for the less fortunate or even the middle class, except to giving their names to certain charities. Many in the U.K support the royal family and are proud to do so, but most of those who do are unaware of what the royal family is about, for proof of the wickedness of the royals, look up David Icke on you tube.

We know that Great Britain and the U.S. are deeply entrenched in the Middle East for selfish reasons trying to control the outcome in the many areas of conflict, with the goal of being in charge of the whole Middle east at any cost. There's a possibility that they will start the third world war there, especially if ISIL continues to push it's frontiers. Even though without the help of the U.S. ISIL would not have become more than a tribal war lord..

So I have to start all over again and work with older news, but also newer events. One things for sure the corruption, mendacity and polarity continues. One important thing for all of us to remember is no matter how much the elite media try to sensationalize and portray how society has so many problems, and in so doing cause people to become discouraged, with a feeling of hopelessness and such, that these problems are all related and should be seen as "human problems". Don't allow the elite media or anyone in positions of power to create divisions within Canadian cities or rural areas for that matter. After all the media is controlled by the Illuminati We are facing challenging times and "must" get along with different cultures throughout Canada, don't allow the sociopaths to stir the pot and create divisions and conflicts, which will only bring us closer to the abyss. We are all, as long as we're breathing, children of and unique creations of an infinite consciousness. I believe, until we had our DNA altered, that we were more spiritual, and lived in a richer and awe inspiring universe. And as science has demonstrated, through sharing mirror neurons and other similarities, we are naturally peaceful and loving beings. We are simply at a time in our history, partly because of having lived for thousands if not millions in small groups, we are suddenly face to face with each other in the millions, and haven't had time to adjust to a totally different environment.

So there are so many different ICBM's ideas, customs, beliefs and myths, that unless we sit back and give more importance to our similarities, otherwise with the weapons available to any country or belief, our next war will be the last war.

The biggest obstacle and the main reason we are in such dyer straits is that the elites have no intention and have never had to invest part of their wealth in the betterment of society as a whole, and have no empathy or sympathy for the less fortunate let alone ensuring that we begin solving the problem of overpopulation. All problems are human problems or can be solved by humans. And when people get together to clean up after a natural disaster, you don't see people crying, but you see them get together and help each other, adding

weight to our compassionate nature. Human nature is compassion, love and co-operation, as opposed to polarity, hatred, excessive competition and ambition, racism and jealousy to name a few emotions that lead to conflict, division and violence, characteristics which are prevalent in the circles of the Elites, who are controlled by their R-Complex, the reptilian part of their brain.

Two Canadian soldiers were killed, and apparently two days prior to the incident, there was a warning that some act relating to terrorism was expected. No extra security measures were taken for some reason, but whatever actually happened, Harper and the Federal government took advantage of the situation to consider legislation that appeared out of nowhere, that would:

1/ Lower legal thresholds to be able to preemptively arrest a suspect or to get intercept warrants.

2/ Possible lower thresholds for court orders to restrict an individuals movements under peace bonds.

3 / Stronger powers to monitor online communications, remove online posts (exactly what happened to my post) and charge those who glorify terrorist acts online.

4 / Dropping the requirement for police to seek the federal attorney generals consent before charging or exercising certain powers including preventative arrest.

5 / A new system to track Canadians who leave the country, called an exit information system that CSIS has twice in the past week said would be "extremely helpful".

In December they passed a law that would enable police to check your cellphone, without a warrant or court order. and hence to them getting anything that is digitized and or potentially useful...the resolution passed in a 2 out of three decision. three for and two against. A good example of the totalitarian tip toe, The gradual descent into Dante's Inferno, the Police state.

In December again the Harper government has passed a bill C451 which included 440 pages, with 30 different topics, an example is they can change the designation of a river as something you want to protect, but it can be legally viewed as an obstacle to be removed, for whatever reason. There is so much information in the bill that it would take some time to read and understand it all, but it was passed. The liberals and new democrats haven't much to say. No matter who leads a country these days their all puppets on a string, the world is being led by a shadow government that has trillions of dollars at their disposal.

The new drivers license being proposed will include a chip, that would enable the information to be available anywhere.

On December 19th Defense Minister Robert Nicholson announced that Canada had ordered 1 more C-17 globe master heavy lift transport planes at 169 million for each one. In 2007 and 2008 they purchased 4 C-17's now they have 5 in the air mostly for use in the mid-east war, apparently they are also used anywhere heavy equipment is transported. The C-17's Globe master costs 23000$ U.S. per hour to operate. If each one is only used 1oo hours a month, that works out to eleven million 500 thousand a month and one hundred and thirty eight million a year. It turns out that the real cost of the new C17 is 415 million when you take into consideration, spares, training, maintenance or loading equipment.

Harper is coming across as the leading cold warrior amongst the G7, he delivered a personal rebuke to Putin, on a real sociopathic rant. If you caught him on the CBC Dec. 17, he was anxious to get more involved in warmongering, attacking Putin and indicating his desire to get Canadians more involved in the mid-east war. Canada has loaned 220 million to Ukraine to promote economic reform and provide another 270 million in direct aid or funneled through international organizations aiding Kyiv with everything from non-lethal military equipment to training of JUDGES and FARMERS to the promotion of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???It is believed most will disappear into corrupt hands.

          It seems like the war effort will cost Canadian taxpayers more than education and Medicare combined.
           Psychopathic people are very controlling, robotic, wooden, love rituals, pageantry and pomp, extremely hierarchical and have no compassion for the average person.
          Harper has put a gag on scientists, clamping down on government information and putting its own MP's under tight control. I should add that I am a-political, and can see no hope with any political party from the NDP and the Liberals that would bring real change. In the last few years the Ontario Government have wasted millions in the gas plants affair. The city of Toronto has also wasted billions over the past 5 years. Governments seem to attract corrupt and greedy people, on the whole.

It would seem that this legislation could have been pre-planned by a government anxious to limit freedoms that Canadians take for granted, under the guise of security against terrorism!

           In any case Canada has no good reason for being in the Mid-East, potentially and actually attacking and killing certain people, who's members also live here in Canada, if the situation were reversed how would some of us re-act to an attack on our friends and neighbors. This is in no way justifies any terrorist activities done here in Canada or anywhere else. 
          The point being is that Canada shouldn't even be there in the first place. The U.S. has disrupted the order that existed there - even though order was maintained through mostly dictatorships - and is in a war that could last for years, all the while endangering the security of Canada for no good reason. 
          Don't forget that when the U.S. started increasing their surveillance systems, some people said I don't mind I've got nothing to hide a few years later they were living under a dictatorship.

America has itself become a dictatorship, with president Obama enacting legislation without the consent of congress or the senate.

Over a period of time the Canadian Federal government has been accused of having a lack of interest in veterans, many of whom are suffering PTSD, and other issues, and being generally overlooked by the Federal government. As most veterans are from the middle and poor classes of society, those classes are of the least importance historically to the government.

 . But thanks to the Toronto Star which keeps close tabs on the Federal and Provincial governments amongst other important issues, it is difficult to avoid the stars close scrutiny.
David Icke calls the totalitarian tip toe a maneuver that installs more and more laws, leading to Totalitarianism

They had a story about what the Wynne government has up it's sleeve in the near future, besides having used the obscure the 1939 Public Works Protection act. Enacted to secure against Nazi saboteurs in the second world war, was quietly used to pass a regulation giving police broad powers of arrest during the G20 fiasco. The Bill is said to strike a balance between protecting civil liberties and ensuring the safety of critical infrastructure. The Bill would be altered to require all those entering a court house to show identification, provide a reason for being there, subject themselves to a search and if deemed necessary, to allow security officers to search in the vehicle they arrived in without a warrant. Anyone refusing to identify themselves or failing to leave on demand would face up to a 2000$ fine or imprisonment up to 60 days.

The security for courts, electric generating facilities and nuclear facilities Act is a priority for the government said Yasir Naqvi minister of community safety and correctional services said in the legislature, when he reintroduced the Bill.

          It is broadly known that various military have been accused of using mind control methods, to carry out terrorist acts, like the Oklahoma bombing.

          Almost sounds like a false flag operation, we mustn't forget the three F-35's that are fighting now in the mid-east, and the three more there about to purchase. And now we have Canadian soldiers that are volunteering and some that are already in the mid-east fighting against ISIL. There's no doubt that they think there being patriotic, the problem is they have no good reason to be over there. Even though these ISIL terrorists are extremists and are known for beheading and all related evils, before the U.S. went to war with Iraq, the whole mid-east although led by dictators, for the most part there was peace between them.

          The U.S. invaded Iraq under a false flag situation where it was stated that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This was planned ahead of time, to disrupt the whole of the mid-east all they needed was a reason, and weapons of mass destruction was it. This cycle is run over and over again and is called "problem, reaction, solution". the problem was weapons of mass destruction, the reaction is fear and anger. the solution is war with Iraq. When asked on national mainstream television if the killing of 500 thousand children was worth the war, Madeline Albright agreed that it was. Actually weapons of mass destruction didn't even exist, so even the perception of something that doesn't exist, can activate, problem, reaction, solution, and that my friends is what you call a false flag event.

          I have to admit at this point as to what I said in my disappeared post and what I've said and what I,m about to say now ,is a little unnerving. If you go to u tube or Google ufo's, or go to Project there you'll find things the mainstream media won't carry or even talk about.
           Of course there is also mis-information as well as dis-information to some extent, but most of the information is overall reliable. If your interested in what's really happening in the U.S. check out Alex or prison, or even the drudge report. And as Bob Dylan said in his song "something is happening and you don't know what it is do you Mr. Jones".

          This week Dec. 17/ Harper was interviewed by on the program one on one and he indicated that he was considering getting more involved in the war in the middle east. By doing so he gives any Muslim living in Canada a desire to protect their particular fellow countryman, by going to the mid east to join the terrorist organization, or committing terrorist activities here in Canada. 
          It would seem that Harper is close to the Illuminati, who are one step closer to one world government and all that it entails.
From the Toronto Star Sunday December 21st. It's easy to criticize others mistakes, difficult to admit one's own. The recent Congressional acknowledgement of the CIA's use of torture was widely condemned in Canada. Stephen Harper is refusing to ratify measures to strengthen the UN convention against torture, another move showing sociopathic overtones.

          A United Nations report has said solitary confinement should be used only in exceptional circumstance's and never more than 15 days or it could amount to torture, citing several scientific studies that have suggested even a few days in social isolation can cause lasting mental damage. Ottawa rejected key recommendations from the Ashley Smith inquest to limit the use of solitary confinement for mentally ill inmates in Federal prisons. That's another move that suits Stephen Harper's being under control of some alternate power that is implementing a horrific plan for a world government, to rule over a world of slaves.
           Many of the steps that are being taken as part of their agenda are happening world wide in many cases. The point about Harper is his love of polarity, he is rigged, scripted and controlled and the lack of humanity that seems to rule his agenda. It must be remembered that Harper cut taxes for business, he also cut funding in the social sector, and did manage to maintain the economy, of course at the expense of the middle and common classes.

          Is Harper a puppet on a string like Obama, he seems to be repeating the totalitarian two step and problem, reaction, solution like Obama and the Bushes before him. It seems at this late date in our history, there are many things going on that are being kept from us normals. Harper has changed the character of Canada that was once a reasonable state in balance and known world wide as, shall we say a soft country, under Lester Pearson and later Pierre Trudeau. But even then the agenda of the Illuminati was unfolding at a reasonable pace, but today the agenda has speed ed up and continues to accelerate, witness all the new and proposed laws that hang over us.


          I was surprised when I read Edward Keenan's column in the Dec. 20th Toronto Star about how media opinionators love to see a government scandal, and how it involves our reptilian response.. He took note as to how that news items, about expense scandals especially if they involve a public figure, arouse our R Complex, reptilian brain dominated action, which has us comparing the public figures actions as "Pigs at the trough. It's the first time I've seen recognition for how the R-complex is the aspect of our brain that is activated whenever we become angry, or disturbed by something no matter what it is, Keenan is helping to wake-up the world to our very volatile reptilian aspect. And quite often it reacts un-necessarily, and or what it arouses us about, often proves important. 

           It's my contention that the flight or fight response is being subject to a lot of false alarms, or situations that create that response unnecessarily. In other words we need to learn and acknowledge the harm that it can do and whether our supreme leaders are more influenced by the reptilian brain. The sudden and often violent or anger response, the belief, custom, ideas held onto passionately often create unnecessary division, and violence. 

          We are all spiritual beings, expressions of infinite consciousness having a journey for a short time. All problems are Human problems and can be solved together, why wait for a disaster to be of help, when our true nature is to serve others, and like the famous comedian Bill Hicks said "its just a ride, "about life. The point being that the article was of a quality not often seen in the mainstream media. You can probably read the column "Spending for public benefit is no scandal".at

          Another story in Saturday the 27's Star on the front page, BIG BEER BIG MONEY, which talked about how so many politicians are corrupt from the word go. Apparently a huge number of Ontario politicians are eating at the pig trough again at our expense. It was a long and comprehensive article that anyone who's interested in how corrupt politicians are must read. I don't have the room here to go into it, but it's about how the owner of the beer stores of the Beer Store have a real sweetheart deal going for them. Labatts and Molson Coors own 98% of the Beer Store and will not allow the LCBO owned by Ontarians to sell cases of beer larger than a 6pack.
This automatically cuts Ontarians to about 20% of the available market. They also make wine and liquor bottles as well as beer bottles only returnable to the Beer Store. In two years time they have paid 585 million dollars to the three political parties, so don't expect any political party to question the validity of such a sweetheart deal. The article was by Martin Regg Cohn., should be an award winning article. If we let this relationship continue as is and loose millions a year in taxes, then we will know that big business runs the government and at the same time robs the public.

          Another article in the Toronto Star, who are really exposing all kinds of crimes by government, widespread corruption and all kinds of dirty tricks, on Tuesday Dec 23rd the article by Catherine Latimer and I will Quote part of it. "Equal Justice for all is the most basic principle of a fair legal system.But for the poor who cannot afford to hire good lawyers, raise bail or pay the fines imposed as punishment, the criminal justice system is anything but equal. The inequality has been made even worse by the imposition of mandatory victim surcharges as an additional fine on people convicted of crimes. 
          Until October 2013 judges were able to waive victim surcharges that would result in hardships, but then the government took away this necessary discretion to take poverty into account. But most Judges have tried to skirt this devastating impact by imposing nominal fines on the poor, by giving them many years to pay or by refusing to impose the surcharges, because they did not comply with charter rights". Just anther example of how some members the  Harper government have no love or compassion let alone empathy for the middle and lower classes, and has probably adopted the agenda of the Illuminati to rid itself of Billions of people. 
          Another so called terror attack in France, Alex Jones says it looks like an inside job, in any case Harper was front and center grandstanding on television, saying we shall not be intimidated,
Why is he so vociferous about what  happened, probably he's trying to keep our attention on what he intends to do. Which is to encourage our military involvement in places we have no business going, war mongering is what he's up to, he'll spend billions while our country suffers in many ways, without proper funding across the board, as our society continues to decline.
          Our interest in the violence in the world - it seems to wake us up - says a lot about our state of mind, it seems we need violence and polarity to enliven us. This says a lot about our present mundane life, have we forgotten or lost interest in a normal family life with all its natural joys and sorrows.
           This is the revelation and the apocalypse unfolding before our eyes, will we choose love and compassion or jealousy  and violence? In any case France treats its immigrants with disdain and prejudice, so you'll probably see more terrorism in France. We have to treat all cultures with  respect there is no other way to avoid the madness of radical Islam. Again this state of affairs is a direct result of the Illuminati's agenda playing out. Make no mistake about it the recent arrest of two people that were trying to leave the country, possibly intent on joining ISIL or Al - Quaeda, are incidents that will increase if we continue to play watch dog for the U.S. and it's huge interests, "to big to fail"? 
          Stephen Harper said we will not stand for this, as he grandstanded his best on CBC television Friday, bent on waging revenge.  Trying to instill fear into the populace, so they will want a way out, a good example of problem, reaction, solution.
           Problem was the recent so called terrorist acts, the reaction is disgust and fear, the solution send more planes and soldiers and increase the War Fund at the expense of War Vets, the middle class ,the poor and everything else in your own country. We have become really dumb, get off your knees and cross the street. Yes there are better things to spend our wealth on than more fighter jets (6) altogether and more C17's 5 altogether. 
Some people are calling for an outright war in Iraq and Syria, with Canada's involvement increasing. Unless I'm mistaken the Harper Government can take from your account under certain circumstances, called" bail in". Perhaps we'll end up like the U.S. A trillions in debt with FEMA camps ready to imprison the American people as soon as they declare Martial law.
Watch the Harper gov't as it seeks to introduce new legislation to further entangle  Canada and our young men in the war in the mid-east. 
           France has deployed 20,000 troops on the streets in France, and plan to increase their presence in Iraq and Syria and thereabouts. 
           This is the typical reptilian response, that gets us deeper and deeper into a vicious circle. The reasoning aspect of your brain can see the danger in having a polarized view, but the excitement and adrenalin is what the reptilian aspect prefers and so continues in chaos. 
          The new World order will encourage things to fall apart, and then will offer a solution to the problems they themselves had a large part to play in creating: problem, reaction, solution. One frightening possibility is that the top ten or so families who control 50 to 60% of the worlds wealth, will cause the economy to collapse, in order to declare marshal law, and incarcerate the general public, whom can be held indefinitely without charges. One whistle blower witnessed seeing railway cars with shackles along the floor, for multiple prisoners. We agree that publishing the cartoon of Islam's prophet Muhammad was not in good taste and an example of intolerance encouraging conflict and division. 
           Thomas Walkon said in Saturday's Star that although not to well known Canada has a law against blasphemy.
The Toronto Star is one of the few publications that did not carry the cartoon first featured in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo.   
It sure can't improve relations between Christianity, Judaism and Islam, only encourage division. A string of anti-terror arrests sweep Europe a recent headline said. This will be a boon to the agenda of those who are looking to impose  a new world order, a police state.
          Another country that has its Islamic population being set on edge is Belgium. Michael Birnbaum in the Star says "some Muslim leaders here  are warning that Belgium proposals to crack down on the threat of homegrown Islamist violence may actually worsen the problem". It's believed that 350, mostly young men, have gone to fight in Syria. The same situation exists in Canada, France, England and now Belgium, Terrorism can never be justified, but critics say that combating it after it happens is the wrong approach. Instead we should be attacking it's root causes, one of which is that we are at war with the nations of these terrorists, mostly coerced by the British, American,French and German, and now we Canadians are being drawn into it.
           Another possibility in this ongoing drama is that the worlds shadow government - the Illuminati -  would be more than pleased to cause an ongoing war with the West against Islam.
From the Toronto Star Sat. Jan/17th. Under  the headline "Freedom of Expression for all but Canucks", in it Susan Delacourt, bemoans the fact that the Harper Government was front and center to proclaim the attack as an attack on Democracy and an attack on the  most cherished principles of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Yet Susan says what happens when freedom of expression collides with the need to win elections or manage the message or with the everyday discipline of power. Apparently the Government is making it almost impossible in some cases to retrieve information that detracts from the image of the conservative government.
           Susan goes on to say "there's ample evidence already to illustrate that this freedom is somewhat more cherished at long distance by the government than it is at home in Canada. We keep being told that its just a bureaucratic coincidence to see so many critics of the government facing audits and revocation of their charitable status, since these audits started in 2012, Amnesty International to Kitchener bird watchers, to the David Suzuki Foundation.
           This behavior has caused people and organizations to fear that they'l be punished for speaking out against the state. You get the feeling that there's some higher power pushing an agenda world wide. Canadians have a 69 member special force, training the Iraqis, who were drawn into a fire fight, but escaped injuries. Harper immediately assured Canadians that no ground forces will be deployed in the war in the Mid-East. 
          Recently around the end of January, the Harper Government has admitted that part of our commitment in the Middle East involves interfacing at any time with the enemy! They've extended the powers of CSIS through Bill C-51, now they can not only identify potential threats, but also are enabled to disrupt them. Our Charter Rights are being quickly and quietly impinged upon, with the following bills passed or to be passed altering Bill C-51.

Sweeping new powers for CSIS to take measures within Canada and abroad, to disrupt terror threats!

Expanding the no-fly list to anyone suspected of traveling abroad to engage in terror activities.

Removing legal barriers that block information sharing among government agencies such as immigration officials passing along concerns about a passport holder's travel plans.

New Criminal Code provisions that would allow court orders to remove terrorist propaganda, including from the inter-net.

Changes to criminalize the promotion of terrorism.

There you have it, " the totalitarian tip toe ", where they introduce Bills or laws here and there, hoping you won't take notice, and most are meant to reduce our Charter Rights. This is a hint about the agenda of the New World Order. All of the above paranoia of the Harper Government is a strong indication that it cares not for humanity in general, especially the poor and middle class, which opens the possibility of some unseen force controlling the Government's agenda.
           As I've said before, and needs repeating is that you create terrorism in your own country, when you send troops and armaments to kill members of  a country who have fellow-countrymen in Canada. Canada has no business fighting against countries in the Middle East. 
          What's going to happen down the line is that, we'll be living in a police state or maybe it's already here.
People who have been vaccinated have 2 to 5 times more disease than those who haven't according to Alex Jones. Apparently the elites avoid having vaccinations, or have their own better quality serum.
           As mentioned previously an anti-terror law will reduce our freedoms and privacy and as long as we attack these foreign countries, a small percentage of immigrants from these countries will continue to look for revenge and some of our homegrown terrorists will eventually act. It's time to decide whether we should be involved in Iraq, Syria or any other country in a war like situation. If we do decide that it's not worth the ongoing cost to send our young men and all the other equipment, maybe we can spend our wealth and resources on the many shortcomings we have in Canada. But obviously the upper echelons of the Harper Government have bought into the agenda of the so called New World Order, which means to turn us into slaves. As shown previously this Totalitarian Tip Toe is well under way here in Canada, with more and more legislation attempting to slowly erode our Charter Rights. Go to to witness just what has happened in the USA since 9/11, you won't hear or see what's happening there on main stream media.
           From the Fri. Feb. 6th Toronto star by Alex Boutilier, "There have been longstanding concerns about oversight for the military's own intelligence operations, there is no direct civilian oversight - the chief of defense staff and military higher ups are responsible for monitoring intelligence activities". A bit like having the fox looking after the chickens! 
        Another Bill S-4 the digital privacy act, the bill has already been vetted by the Senate and passed largely unchanged allowing different companies to share Canadians private information amongst themselves. 
          Will all these new  bills and laws make us safer, or will we become like our neighbor to the south, with FEMA camps ready to be used, trillions of dollars in debt, with the National Guard patrolling with the police. Actually  practicing tactics to be used when marshal law is enacted in the country. 
          The shadow government that is really running the world, allied with alien beings, seems to be hesitating, because of the large number of people who realize what's really going on. One theory is that they want to bankrupt the world, so there'd be widespread chaos and confusion followed by the declaration of martial law in many countries. 
          Then the New World order would begin by offering a solution to the starving and confused hoards, by guaranteeing to provide them with food and shelter in the FEMA camps,  Problem, crash the worlds economy, as they've done  before, Reaction confusion, fear and starvation, Solution we'll take care of you if you move into camp.
           So go ahead and do some some research, most of the evidence is widely available on the internet, find out and join the thousands who are beginning to see  the light and read the writing on the wall.  So here's the plan, number one facilitate the New World Oder, number one proposal, to reduce the worlds population to 500  million.
           From the Toronto Star, Sat. Feb 07 by J. A. Mcfarlane, " he has terrorized or neutralized public watch dogs, environmentalists, statisticians and scientists. Now he has what he wants - what all bullies and autocrats aspire to - such a general awareness of the mailed fist that he now merely needs to wave the velvet glove". 

          Harper is merely a puppet, and seems to anticipate getting more involved in war mongering for no good reason. He has taken an active role as a hawk, telling Putin to get out of Dodge. He is well on his way to creating the Police State and has used the world stage to proclaim his hatred of terrorists, while encouraging them by bombing and killing on the home ground of their fellow countrymen.

Justin Trudeau the Liberal Leader and Thomas Mulcare N. D. P. are not calling for oversight of the security service. And seem to go along with whatever Harper puts on the table. Harper is being influenced by a shadow government consisting of 10 or 15 families who control the monetary system and are anxious to retire to the House on the Hill, after having reduced the worlds population to around 500 million.
           Here's what J A Mcfarlane had to say under the headline "Anti - terror bill terrifying" "We're being cowed into surrendering our freedoms and privacy, all in the name of fighting terrorism, which in perpetuity can be variously defined however the powers  -  that - be, see fit.  We should all be absolutely terrified"! "A house without love is not a home". 
 Canada and the U.S. have close ties to Saudi Arabia.
          Should the RCMP be training Saudi's police? The Saudi's chopped off an accused sorcerer's head,( along with dozens of other heads) in August. In October a Saudi court sentenced a revered Shia cleric for advocating non-violent protests against the country's minority Shia population, police then arrested his brother for tweeting about the death sentence.
           General Dynamics Canada of London Ontario wins $10 billion deal with Saudi Arabia, for military hardware.
           Women are imprisoned for driving a car in Saudi Arabia.

 The following is from the opinion page of Saturday's Toronto Star from Paul Kahnert.

          "Beware of the leader who bangs the drums of war to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is a double edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. When the drums of war have reached fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather the citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism will offer up all of their rights and gladly do it so. How do I know this? For I am Caesar and I have done it" 
          The words of Julius Caesar, 46 B.C. hawkish leaders have used this strategy right up to Dubya Bush. Lets learn from History. This election lets "stop Harper".
           From the Saturday Feb./7th Star, quoted from the book by Michael Harris "We used to be advocates of constructive internationalism...That's why our advice and our particular insight were so sought after by other countries. We are now seen as more American than Americans more  Israeli than Likud. I should stop beating a dead horse, but here's one more nail in our collective coffin.
           From the Star Feb. 7/th, from the book by Andrew Cohen, "While Canada Slept How we Lost our Place in the World"," we are no longer as strong a soldier, as generous a donor and as effective a diplomat and it has diminished us as a people".
American war resister Joshua Key who is trying with great difficulty to stay in Canada, as a conscientious objector, had the following to say about his experience in Iraq. Key describes an episode at night on the 
euphrates River, where he saw American soldiers kicking around the heads of two civilians who'd been decapitated by rifle fire.
           Another war resister and soldier Kimberely Rivera told the star that citizens were being put on random lock-downs. We used city patrols, checkpoints and violence and intimidation against innocent civilians, There was no good reason for their pain and suffering.

          Joshua Key also had this to say, "I came to the point of having communications with the Iraqis, I sort of noticed the similarities, that I'm just like them and their just like me: poor from the middle of  nowhere in a sense. And we were terrorizing them".
          "500,000 $ worth of artillery shells lost by Canadian Army in Afghanistan pullout". Headline in the Star. 

          Under the headline in the star, ' Leaders words Should strengthen not scare the nation", Carol Goar says a new catch phrase is spreading through the rhetoric of Stephen Harper and his ministers, - they hate our values. Referring to Jhidists, Harper had this to say, "they hate our society and the values it represents". Goar said "It is entirely possible that the Islamic State and its followers are targeting Canada because its warplanes are bombing them in Iraq, not because of its values". Apparently their studying how people become radicalized, especially young people who leave their homes in Canada. Carol Goar is the first person in the entire mainstream media to suggest an answer as to why, its simply because we are bombing them throughout the mid east, and now we're getting involved in the Ukraine and northern Africa against the Boko Haram.

           So we and France, Germany, Belgium and several others are creating home grown terrorists, usually radicalized youths, who see their adopted country at war for no good reason with their homeland, so its obvious that some will naturally become radicalized. The hawks in the government will seek to stir up strong feelings, by labeling anyone who disputes the status quo as soft on terrorism, or label one as a defender of pornography or a Taliban sympathizer or more often a conspiracy theorist.
           We desperately need to have a review of our role in a polarized world, on the verge of world war three. We need to regain our role as the peacekeeper to the world, and get on in creating a viable and productive economy, instead of running off in all directions looking for trouble, like a chicken with its head cut off. So it looks like we'll be subjected as will several countries with constant fear from homegrown terrorist attacks, from our own citizens. 
But overall all these new bills and laws that are being introduced in most countries, are an unfolding of the agenda of the new world order, the totalitarian tip toe, slowly but surely limiting our freedoms.          

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