Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Forty two Kingsmount Park Road

  This is how it all began, which led to losing my respect for my fellow man... I could have called it Nightmare on  Kingsmount Park Road. It will unfold in the style of  a stream of consciousness...

 '' And now the wheels of heaven stop, you feel the Devil riding crop, get ready for the future, it is murder, things are gonna slide, slide in all directions, won't be nothing you can measure anymore, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold, and overturned the order of the soul''

    Canadian Leonard Cohen, [singer, song writer, poet, reluctant seer and you have to add futurist,]all verses from the Future album, written in 1992. No other prediction has come so close to the truth with such clarity, compassion And soul. 

   When we moved into Forty two Kingsmount park road in 19 and 71, we soon began to experience the hatred of racism in this red neck haven .peace out...

     We'd moved into the house from Moss Park at Queen and Sherbourne just 3 blocks east of  Yonge street.  We had lived at three or four places before moving into Moss Park. We started off buying a mattress at a discount store around around Jarvis and Queen, tying it down on the roof of my little English car and driving across town to the Bloor and Bathurst area to Albany avenue. peace out...later

Saturday, August 22, 2020


  We need to end   extremism, in religion, partisan politics,and polarity.   "The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars' , but in ourselves" Thus spoke Zarathustra so to speak! Perhaps it's time to realize that the things that got us this far, ICBMS, IDEAS, CUSTOMS, BELIEFS, MYTHS and superstitions are no longer as enabling as they once were. The only problem is can we adapt to these  new and challenging situations, we find ourselves engulfed by overwhelming demands, that challenge our very human nature!

   The past present and the future in the global village as killers in high places say their prayers out loud 
The following   should give you an idea of why the world is the way it was, is, and can become... ''You have you to rely on and there is no deal'', Sly and the family Stone.'' A world divided against it self shall not stand''.."The war is over and the good guys lost" Leonard Cohen 1992 album The Future.
    There are something beyond two thousand religions in the world, including ancient  Indigenous tribal cultures with their own beliefs. Different parts of the world developed their own particular language and  beliefs, lets call them circles. As these circles grew and began to approach their neighbor's territory, the conflict and division increased, originally over territory and hunting grounds, later over ideas, religion and come what may, as  extreme polarity later came into play. These close quarters and infringement on each others territories, soon led to local wars eventually through out the inhabited territories.
       Sooner or later other circles would develop  their  particular cultural identity, ideas, and over time their own religious beliefs.  So their identity was with their particular circle almost entirely, this allowed some cultures or groups to grow and in the process some prospered ahead of others. Other groups of 2 or more tribes formed coalitions that strengthened their collective positions.  
      Can we continue in this manner, with the destructive power that we all have now,[nuclear war with ICBM's. Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Missiles . Extreme polarity serves no real constructive purpose, it only leads to war like mentality and a vicious circle. 
      Let it be known that the nuclear ICBM'S were probably created because of our polarity and negative reactions to other peoples Ideas, Customs, Beliefs and Myths and so on, (Superstitions).
       This set in motion the never ending arms race, which continues to this day. Is this an example of intelligence or ignorance. If we look to survival as our most important goal, obviously we must choose an end to the arms race  The truth is that all these nations are betting against survival by being willfully ignorant. 
      Common sense would indicate that we cannot carry on in this mode of behavior, in stead of backing  off  and realizing this whole way of responding ie. stubbornly holding to our particular belief or ideas and ways of life as the only way to survive and prosper, we use destabilizing maneuvers against one another and engage in information wars, computer hacking each other, attempting to destabilize all kinds of facilities, creating fake news, misinformation, disinformation etc. etc. A world gone mad, perhaps Leonard was right from his death bed when he said, ''everything's screwed up, the goal is beyond the reach, it's over it ain't going any further''.
      It's hard to believe we haven't realized that basically we're all branches of the same tree, and into the unfathomable, we are all particular viewpoints in universal consciousness, unless we do own these two truths, we will not survive, and it shall be curtains forever.
      Consider the implications of this Universal Truth, Proverb 21; ''Everyway of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the heart''. Through our experience as we travel through our life, we accumulate what becomes our program [conditioning], our ideas and  beliefs, if anyone attacks our beliefs, it's as if they are attacking us personally and we will defend ourselves, even to the point of going to war to defend our ideas and beliefs. We see it as an attack on our particular culture and way of life, which is an attack on us personally.
       This state of affairs served us well in the beginning, having a common belief no matter what it was, kept us together, gave us a sense of security and kept us together in our particular circle. Of course there were very few variables to deal with as there are today, there are so many today that it led Leonard Cohen to state in his 1992 album ''things are gonna slide, slide in all direction, won't be nothing you can measure any more, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and overturned the order of the soul''
 Today no matter how much evidence exists to the contrary most will cling to their belief to protect their fragile ego, as if it was their very life. Most of us mainly because of our consciousness having been polluted through propaganda and lies will continue to be heir to this vicious circle.
      Recognizing first our similarities as viewpoints in universal consciousness, we then accept our tribal and religious beliefs as being of secondary importance for social, fellowship, ritual purposes and providing a variety of different cultures, with their unique and colorful rituals. 
The mechanical, technological, electronic, information age is upon us and its a horror show. As  Marshall McLuhan a Canadian who became a leading interpreter of the effects of television and other media, made this famous iconic statement, ''the medium is the message'', he said the effect that television had on the world was to turn the world into a global village and that the message cum massage has changed the world in many ways and it will never be the same again.
      He depicted the the much earlier  invention of the printing press, as soldiers rising from the ground fully armed, that also had a far reaching effect on mankind.
     Marshall McLuhan also said this about a different  type of conflict division and violence, '' systemic violence'' in the modern age, ''Violence is a form of a quest for identity, it is one thing the people who have been ripped off feel the need of, especially the underprivileged or marginalized, repression brings retaliation. 
They search for the meaningful, the less identity the more violence''. The best example that I can think, of is the indigenous peoples and our black and brown brothers and sisters in Canada the U.S and throughout the Western world. Not to mention people who in their formative years were brought up without proper nurturing, and developed all kinds of hang-up's ie. stumbling blocks to a balanced  maturity.
      As far as education goes, there should be more stress put on a solid foundation, such as honesty, honor and character building values, instead of preparing students for the rat race as it were.
        But in the end, differences aside, we will come to realize that we are all viewpoints in universal  consciousness, this knowledge will allow us to minimize polarity between us, thereby allowing us the incentive to create a new reality based on survival as the ultimate goal.
      Our viewpoint may have been stunted by all the negative propaganda and foolishness that we have somehow been heir to, through speeding up our eventual decline by the improper use of the tools provided to us like television, the internet, education and so forth. But in the end, ''you have you to rely on, and there is no deal'', Sly and the family Stone. Wipe the slate clean and start a new page... 
      What about the extreme polarity between the left and right or you and I around the world but especially in Canada and the U.S. which ever side your on, the more your side is pressed for the truth, the stronger your belief becomes up to a point. Even when your  wrong the more you want to stick with your choice. [Shades of the fragile ego]...
      Here's what the Shakespeare of country music had to say about a similar situation between a couple of  people. ''For years we've lived on pride dear and we agree that love has gone, why oh why do we keep tryin, a house without love is not a home, the lovelight in your eyes has faded, and I'm contented just to roam, we slaved to gain a worthless treasure, a house without love is not a home'', this could apply to the whole Western world in their extreme polarity, especially in Canada and the U.S.. Leonard again from his lyrics says it all, referring to the universe, ''up there it is one, down here it is two'', hinting at the polarity twixt us.
      All members of political parties left or right have to agree to follow the party line, which leaves no room for creativity, incentive or the desire to improve things. Over time creativity is stifled or non existent.
                             INTENT and PURPOSE
      The intent is to use Television and the internet as tools -- whose purpose is survival-- to unite the peoples of the world into one harmonious whole, to create a harmonious and profitable world for all mankind. As a tool it needs to be used firstly to reduce polarity, as now it is used to increase polarity and division which eventually leads to violence and mayhem.
     Jesus said from the cross ''forgive them father for they know not what they do'' , actually what triggers a negative response, comes from the unconscious mind, bypassing the conscious mind, and so we know not what we do for that reason.
      The actual fact of our being is that we are  viewpoints in universal consciousness, aka David Icke, and when the body dies, our soul continues on for some time, and our soul can be born into another body and physical being can return again and again as per reincarnation. 
     Technology has power over our daily lives, television, cell phone, smartphone, tablet, computer and a dozen other instruments occupy so much of our time while subtly and obviously influencing our lifestyles, behavior, actions and reactions, not to mention our mental and emotional  states. It also creates and increases polarization on a mass scale, almost instantly. If it was used appropriately, without the influence of the Satanic Constellation, that is,  anything that causes unwarranted conflict, division and violence, we would come closer to a Utopian world.
      People who grew up with this technology accept it as normal, not aware of its effects and attempts to control and influence our behavior,  thinking and our political choices see ''Manufacturing  Consent' 'by Noam Chomsky. More recently David Icke called it Perception Deception. Elon Musk has began to work on transferring our minds to a computer, cum robot, will our souls follow also?// We are too busy more or less earning a living and accumulating  this and that and that, to no end. [materialism] Which the MM is all about, make as much as you can as fast as you can and leave the hindquarter to the devil.
     Maybe the plague Leonard sang about is already here and its partly the effects of many aspects of the new technology which is headed off in all directions, like a chicken with it's head cut off... Leonard also had these verses in his 1994 album ''The Future'' ''Things are  goin to  slide , slide in all direction , wont be nothing you can measure anymore''     So be it...
       Most people know it makes you feel good to give directions to someone. And apparently we all have mirror neurons, so that when we are watching a person do something, it's as if we are following along in our minds doing it to. When there is a disaster of some kind, people will come  together and help one another gladly.
      But along comes Hollywood movies  and television making violent movie after movie, war movies, gangster,etc. television began showing predatorial animals such as lions, wild dogs, wolves etc. chasing down their prey and making sure the vicious kill was shown. This became a regular and persistent theme showing the killings over and over again, making sure we got the message.
     Since we are considered predators, even though we consider ourselves the most intelligent life on earth, we accepted the propaganda as somewhat true, that we are also predatorial.  
     So over time through this never ending propaganda we  began to feel that we are essentially violent in nature.  Now move ahead to when commerce became widespread we simply moved survival of the fittest out of the wilderness into the boardroom and called it competition and like limited war, it soon escalates. This type of endeavor attracted physchophathic types, that type was also attracted to government and bureaucracy. They soon began to conquer and corrupt, becoming alienated from the natural world and when necessary using it as an ash tray. They have an advantage over us in that they have no empathy, use and abuse their colleagues, have no balance in their mind and are controlled by the reptilian part of the brain ''Take no prisoners''. But then again there are ''social'' psychopaths who go on to do much good, as great physicians or artists for instance. 
     This began the spiral of the loss of integrity across the board in service to the bottom line, make as much as you can as fast as you can. And so having been brainwashed this way we enjoy watching an occasional violent movie which seems to satisfy us [the cathartic effect ] and apparently reduces our need to act out in a violent manner. On another level if we could understand that we've been conditioned to believe this propaganda, we could learn to control it or transcend it. Look around read the writing on the wall and everywhere else, ''it's over it ain't going any further'' Leonard Cohen from the album The Future.
      Even children unknowingly are caught up and accept this as the way things are. It's said that there's 50 percent more mental disease and 50 percent more stress in life today. A 1995 study for the Canadian Heritage department found that children believed that the violence they viewed on television was an accurate reflection of reality. What are the implications of this finding, how much damage has been done and how much more can we expect...
     Being out doors in the natural environment, especially in or around the  mountains, woods, rivers and lakes [the great out doors] nature seems to welcome us, and it's said that some trees release an odor that contains a mild sedative and an antibiotic. Like fingerprints no two leaves on a species of trees are the same. 
     Nature is complex and mysteriously creative, trees in a forest communicate with each other through their roots. When there's an over population of chipmunks and squirrels, which eat the new saplings, all the trees in however big an area begin producing a chemical that discourages  the squirrels and chipmunks from eating the young saplings.
      Mankind who imagines himself to be the most intelligent species, can no longer communicate in a positive way with the other and is  fowling his nest to no good end. So is this our true nature or have we been successfully programed to accept this evil lie. Perhaps the terror of the Hobbesian theory which states that eventually the final war will be everyman against everyman. [mass psychoses] due to Extreme polarity no doubt.
      Is it intelligence that encourages us to spend tens of trillions to destroy, as in war and then spend trillions to rebuild what we destroyed, doesn't make sense. Obviously the bigger part of it is our love of polarity, duality and tribalism, and the negative effects of different beliefs and different religions, not to mention left and right in politics. What ever we experience and believe, becomes part of us, especially religious beliefs and most will go to war to defend their particular beliefs whatever they might be. Some of us will seek revenge when our belief or idea is attacked or disputed.  
      Initially belonging to a group whatever it be, gives us a sense of security and belonging but different beliefs will eventually lead to conflict division and eventual violence. Young people who are not nurtured at home may join a gang for a sense of belonging, and this will usually set them on the wrong path. '' Destroy another fetus now we don't like children anyhow'', Leonard Cohen from the album The Future 1992.
      If children are brought up with unconditional love and nurturing, chances are they will grow to be the best they can be because of it. But because we have been inundated with negative propaganda, made to exaggerate our predatorial aspect, with excessive ambition and competition surrounded by temptations from a to z, from materialism to the promises of wealth and domination over others to alcohol, drugs and promiscuity, wherein we lose our innocence and spiritual beauty and become shadow people in the dark night of the soul...  What chance do our children have surrounded by these illicit temptations which eventuate  into emptiness, darkness and death of the soul...                            
     The word belief means one leaf and there are many leaves on a tree, but the tree itself holds all those leaves together just as God or universal consciousness encompasses all beliefs[leaves]. So in order to survive on mother earth we must realize this at the deepest level of our being. We can still participate in our different religions or beliefs, but with the knowledge that they are secondary to the tree itself, as it were. 
     We should also realize that to sin originally meant to miss your mark, as in archery, contrary to what it means in most religions, where you are made to feel guilty. When you missed your mark or target you need more practice, try and try again until you become a marksman, no one is perfect, but you keep trying  again and again. That type of persistence allows people to be at their best as human beings, albeit with the occasional backsliding.                          
     The huge corporations that own the main stream media 5 or 6 corporations out for there own interests, will increase their own wealth any way they can,'' make as much as you can as fast as you can and let the devil take the hind quarter''. Most are without empathy and are ruled by a hidden hand, which encourages and enables them to be greedy beyond their wildest dreams,  producing violent movie after violent movie saturating our consciousness from ''Dawn to Dusk'' forever. 
      Our brains have 3 main areas, the reasoning part, the emotional part and the reptilian part. In most of us the 3 work together and are in balance, most corporate heads are ruled by the [R complex] reptilian part of the brain. ''Something is happening and you don't know what it is do you Mister Jones'' Bob Dylan. 
     The main stream media has been taken control of by the so called Liberal Democratic types, the new liberal parties and the democratic parties are not the same as they were 20 years ago. The left, Liberals and Democrats used to say live and let live, now [shades of ''1984''} they say live like us and don't ask questions.
      And as Canadian Leonard Cohen put  these lyrics in  Jesus mouth ''You don't know me from the wind you never did and you never will, I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible, I've seen the nations rise and fall, heard their stories, heard them all, but love's the only engine of survival''. 
      On his deathbed Leonard had this to say, '' Everything is screwed up, I don't learn, I don't teach, except to say the goal is beyond the reach''. So far he's been right on, from the start. Go to almost any small town in Canada or the U.S  and you'll understand this verse from a Leonard Cohen song,   ''I love the country but I can't stand the scene''. We'll have more to say about Canadian  singer, songwriter, poet, futurist and reluctant seer, Leonard Cohen .peace out...
      Where to from here...another positive feedback loop, to burn the soul further. So you believe a and I believe b, and never the twain shall meet, I dig in my heels and you do the same, doing so saves our fragile ego, and things begin to fall apart, mere anarchy is loosed and the world is turned upside down, doublespeak becomes law .L.O. L.